
Joy vs. Happiness

A good friend of mine wrote these beautiful words about Joy vs. Happiness. Joy is what takes up residence within one’s soul regardless of circumstance. Happiness is a Happening, it’s temporal and weighs heavily on circumstances. If your searching for the kind of Joy that is always within your heart no matter what this world throws at you, please read these wise words.


As I think of this word, tears start to fill my eyes.
If you would've asked my twelve year old self what this word meant, she would've told you it was nothing more than a feeling. A in-the-moment feeling of gladness or unwavering happiness, something spontaneous -- something natural. Nothing more than just that, a feeling; it carried no weight, meaning or action. But, now that same word that seemed so lifeless helps me get through each day with a purpose. 

As I sit here trying to find the words to express how I feel, my mind wanders to the times spent on hills of praise and valleys of desperation. I'm not talking about the hills in our lives where we are glorifying self or the valleys of self pity. I'm talking about the raw quiet moments where we surrender our whole beings to Him and thank Him for what He has graciously done. The valley's where the world tells us lies, forcing our minds to believe it. The valley's of heartache, brokenness and sorrow. The valley's that are dry and cracked, and all you can see is the darkness you're immersed in. The moments that seem to be anything but calm.

 I was sitting in a coffee shop the other day, and I was struggling to find the words to project my thoughts on this topic. I turned to a man who was sitting in the chair beside me and I asked, "where do you find joy?" He looked at me with a puzzled expression on his face and answered, "I find joy in my work, my family, and hobbies." I thanked him for his answer and continued to write in my journal. Thinking about his answers, I questioned if someone can truly find their joy in something temporary. Could this man still cling to joy if he lost everything? I wondered. Later that day, the man packed up his belongings and headed towards the door, he then turned around and said, "I hope you find joy today!" I smiled and thanked him because I knew that I would -- I knew that I would find joy that day because joy has never left my side. 

My perspective changed when my happiness only lasted for a moment. You see, I tried to search for joy in many things, and everytime I was left empty. I realized that happiness relies on circumstances and joy relies on the person of Christ.
Real joy will never be found if you aren't looking to the one who created it.
Joy is found even in the darkness, the sorrow, the pain and the hurt... joy is the knowingness that you will be okay even in the chaos because you know that you have a God who will never let you go. 
My perspective changed the moment this word went from a feeling to a knowingness -- the knowingness that even when my life is falling apart, I will be okay. There is light, even here -- even now. 

I hope you find joy today.

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